The flexible evaluator of the Rule Engine powers the ability of a user to freely use mathematical modelling language syntax to define business rules. We empower business users as "power users" to use the rule chains with mathematical functions and pseudo code.
In this article, we shall understand the different types of syntax and usage capabilities for this engine.
If you are here, you are probably using the Nighthack Rule Engine in it's Core or Academic Evaluator form. Please ensure, you have the power-user modules enabled and access rights / permissions to the test system in place.
Overview of Capabilities
Simple Arithmetic
The standard BODMAS with any expression is supported out of the box. The evaluator understands precedence order and using parentheses to group expressions to ensure proper evaluation.
Rule Expression Input: '5 + 3 * 2'
#=> 11
Rule Expression Input: '(5 + 3) * 2'
#=> 16
Higher Arithmetic
The following additional functionalities are available for usage:
^ - exponential power
'(2 ^ 3) * 2'
#=> 16
% - modulus
#=> 0
#=> 1
SIN, COS, TAN - use only if setting up a complex calculation system.
Do not use in business rules unless calculating for architecture.
& > Logical AND of two values in binary (do not use for Business rules)
#=> 2
| > Logical OR of two values in binary (do not use for Business rules)
#=> 20
IF > Conditional Evaluation
if (condition, <Do this on true>, <Do this on false>)
if (13>1, 4, 0)
#=> 4
Numeric - Special
MAX(value1, value2, value3, value4)
#=> 65
MIN(value1, value2, value3, value4)
#=> 2
SUM(value1, value2, value3)
#=> 14
AVG(value1, value2, value3)
#=> 19
COUNT(value1, value2, value3, value4) : Count number of values passed to function
#=> 5
ROUNDING OF NUMBERS : Consists of Rounding up and Rounding down
ROUNDDOWN : Floor operator
ROUNDUP : Roof operator
#=> 12
#=> 13
Mixing and matching for decisions
Combine IF with calculations
if ((13*0.25)>1, 13*0.25, 2.5)
#=> 3.25
Other examples can be enabled based on use case and type of rules you will use